
Welcome to the NSARC contesting page.

Please contact Keith VE7KW with any ideas or concerns (VE7MID at telus dot net)

  • Training
  • Contest calendar
  • Ideas for posting participation/results of contests by NSARC members

In order to enable people to become familiar and comfortable with the NSARC station, it can be made available with a mentor prior to club meetings or at other times by appointment. Please contact a member of the executive to ensure that a mentor is available.

The contest calendar has been designed around low key “QSO Parties”, RTTY and SSB contests that may be of interest to club members; contests which fit the capabilities of the station. The idea is to enable an introduction to contests of various kinds. Other contests will certainly be considered.

Amateur Radio Contesting (Radio Sports) covers a wide range of activities best defined as those with some form of “scoring”. Radio Sports can range from a casual operator; chasing DX,  handing out a few Q’s or operating a contest to get a new country or state; to the operators participating in the WARC international team competitions. Radio Sports covers all modes and you can take part from home, a club station, in the field (ARDF); individually or as part of a team.

NSARC would like to encourage Radio Sports as a means of improving general operator capabilities whether; efficient phone operations as practice for emergencies, use of digital modes for efficient radio- messaging or ARDF for direction finding.

NSARC’s Radio Sport Objectives are:

  1. Provide Radio Sports training
  2. Encourage Radio Sports participation; either individually, at the club station or as part of a team of stations.

A number of contests include some form of team participation and NSARC members are encouraged to join their fellow contesters in team completion. Contact the contest manager to organise.

The current suggested NSARC Radio Sports Calendar is given below. Members are encouraged to participate as facilitators, operators, or even just to drop by.  Event suggestions are also welcome.

  • The facilitator arranges for the station, equipment setup, operation schedule and reporting. The facilitators do not have to do this work themselves but are the point of contact.
  • NSARC will likely participate in only a portion of the contest as communicated by the facilitator
  • Unless otherwise noted, all contests are open to members and assistance and training will be provided as required.



  1. Check with facilitator re participation. Some limitations may apply.
  2. All members can participate
  3. This contest starts weekly at 17:45 Thursday December 4 and ends 19:15 so is ideal for a pre-meeting contest.

Suggested links:

Contest Calendar

Contest Calendar

ContestTypeDateFacilitatorNoteWeb ref


General information