Field Day


Field Day is a North America-wide Amateur Radio Competition whereby radio clubs and other groups build amateur radio stations in vacant fields in relatively short order, with large antennas which give them the ability to communicate across the continent. It is also a competition whereby different groups compete and hone in on their amateur radio skills in order to prove to society their proficiency in radio communications in the event of an emergency.


The North Shore Amateur Radio Club plans to set up its Field Day radio station at the old rock quarry situated along the road to Cypress Bowl which can be accessed by taking exit 8 off of the upper levels highway.


Site setup is scheduled to occur the afternoon of Friday June 23. Whereas the actual event will occur in the 24 hour period between 11:00am Saturday June 24 and 11:00am Sunday June 25.

NEW!  Field Day 2023

Planning for the 2023 field day has started. Participation in non-technical bonus point preparations, technical planning and operations are encouraged. The club typically runs a 2A club station, which by definition also allows us to run a Get-On-The-Air or GOTA station for new Hams. This year’s rules stipulate that up to 1000 bonus points can be earned simply by having a “new licensee”, “non-licensee with control operator”, or a “generally inactive licensee” each making over 100 QSOs in the contest under the supervision of a GOTA COACH / control operator. Even non-ham XYLs should be encouraged to participate in such a scenario! If five GOTA participants were each to make 100 QSOs, under the supervision of a GOTA coach, the 500 point bonus would be doubled to make 1000 bonus points, in addition to the existing 1000 points for the QSOs themselves.

There are other vacant assignments pertaining to extra BONUS points which need filling. They include a Media Publicity Officer (100 points) to write an article in a local newspaper, a Public Information Table Officer (100 points), Message Handling Officer (10 X 10 points), Satellite QSO officer (100 points), Alternate Power Officer (5 QSOs = 100 Points), Educational Activity Officer (100 points), Elected Official Liaison (100 points), Emergency Agency Official Liaison (100 points), and a Youth Ham Operator Officer (20 points for each operator under 18 years of age, maximum 100 points).

In addition to the need for members to fill the above bonus related Field Day assignments, there is a further need to schedule operator and logger assignments covering 24 hours for each of the two HF stations which are scheduled to operate. Weather permitting, we may also decide to show an outdoor Saturday Night movie or two with a projector so as to encourage people to stay through the night.