Field Day 2017
This year Adam Kriz, VA7 KRZ was the Field Day coordinator for the annual Field Day event. Setup of the antennas and base camp took place on Friday, June 23rd and the contest started at 11AM on Saturday, June 24th, ending on Sunday, June 25th at 11 AM.
Adam’s Field Day 2017 reportWhat is field day you may ask?
Field day is an annual Amateur radio event that demonstrates ham radio science, emergency preparedness, and our communication capabilities. More than 40,000 hams throughout North America set up temporary transmitting stations in public places, EOCs (emergency operation centers), or their homes.

The contest aspect of Field Day is to contact as many stations as possible in the given time period (24hrs). Each station will exchange information with other participating stations.
The exchange consists of the station Call sign, a class designator which indicates the number of transmitters and information about the type of electrical power source being used, and the abbreviation of the section from which the station is operating.
Keith (VE7KW) coordinated the setup of the antennas with a TA33 junior on the tower, operating on 10M, 15M and 20M, a 40M dipole strung from the tower to the solar trailer and an 80M dipole strung from the tower to the outlying trees. Thanks to Mark Spencer (VE7AFZ) for providing his 6m antenna and his Icom ic-706 for the VHF station.
I brought in my solar trailer (PowerCan) to run to provide power for radios, computers, Kureg coffee maker, perimeter lighting and Uhaul lights. We manage to run the entire event off of collected and stored solar energy without the use of the generator at all.
PowerCan Specs:
Battery – 19.95kwhfor the bank of 48V Lithium batteries.
Photovoltaics (Solar) – 8x 260w panels for a total of 2080W
Generator – Diesel generator with a 28kw Yanmar engine, and a 25k Stamford gen end that is field configurable to be for Split phase, or 3phase output.
Inverters – 3x 6.48kw xw+ inverters ( configured for split phase) capable of 19.44Kw output.
Saturday night myself and Ian (VA7IAN) operated through the night into the early morning. Thanks to Sally (VA7SMF) for bringing the Kureg coffee maker and for bringing a large mosquito net large enough to cover the door of the uhaul!
In the 24hr period, we managed to make contact with 724 stations on various bands and forms of communication such as Morse code, PSK, and plain old Voice.