If you would like to join the club please fill out the form linked below.
The filled form can be mailed to the address below or brought in personally to our monthly meetings held at the office of North Shore Emergency Management at the same address, on the first Thursday of every month at 7:30pm.
North Shore Amateur Radio Club (NSARC)
147 East 14th Street
North Vancouver, BC
V7L 2N4
Memberships run Jan-Dec – Renewals are due in January
Online Payment of Membership Dues
If you use online banking in Canada you can use Interac E-mail money transfer to pay your club dues.
Annual membership dues are: $35 for RAC members, $45 for non-RAC members, $10 for family associates and $15 for members attending full-time school. (Members under 16 are free.)
Sign in to your online banking account at a participating financial institution, and you can transfer funds by email directly to the North Shore Amateur Radio Club. All you need to know is the E-mail address for our Treasurer —> <— where the -at- is replaced by the traditional email @ character.
To send an Interac Email Money Transfer:
Login to online banking.
Locate Transfer/Payment menu options.
Specify a recipient by entering their email address.
Fill in the Interac Email Money Transfer information (dollar amount, account from which to withdraw the funds, a security question to which only our Treasurer (Nick VA7NRM) will know the answer, and an optional personal message).
Please make sure that funds can be transferred to any bank.
Follow instructions to confirm the information and complete the transfer.